As usual on such a prestigious chess forum many bright games were produced. Although many of them were anything but flawless, they still deserve a closer investigation for the beauty in them.
Barsov,A (2513) - Flores,Di (2569)
38th Olympiad Dresden GER (7), 20.11.2008

Probably the following part of the game was played in severe time trouble from both opponents, which explains the tactical errors.
29...Qb6+? The position is anything but usual. White has great material advantage, but almost all black pieces are full of energy. His only non-active piece had to join the battle now- [29...Bc5+! 30.Kh1 Re1+ This is even better than the line advocated by GM Mikhail Golubev- (30...Qxd5+!? 31.Rxd5 Nf3 White is a whole queen ahead, but his only defense is to give it for free- 32.Qe8+ only moveRxe8 33.Kg2 only move 33...Bd4 and Black should be objectively winning.) 31.Kg2 Rg1+ 32.Kh3 (32.Rxg1 Qxd5+ 33.Kh3 Ng4!! is equally hopeless.) 32...Qc8+ 33.Qad7 Nxd7–+ Black has now both material advantage and decisive attack.]
30.Rd4 Rd2 31.Qxe5?! [31.Kf1 Rxd4 32.Qdb5 Qe6 33.Qxe5 Qh3+ 34.Ke1 Rd7 Although White has a queen for a bishop black's pieces ar very active, and now the best practical solution for him is to part ith some of the superfluous material. 35.Rd1! Re7 36.Qxe7 Bxe7 37.Qe8+ Bf8 38.Rd8 Qh6 39.Rc8+- and black's pieces are completely tied up.]
31...Rxd4 32.Qaa5 Rd1+ 33.Kg2 Rd2+?? Another proof of the mutual time-trouble. After the normal: [33...Qxa5 34.Qxa5 Rxa1 35.Qxa7 c3 36.Qa4 Rb1 would have been still unclear.]
34.Qxd2 1–0