Kashlinskaya,Alina (2377) - Videnova,Iva (2301) [E42]
EU-ch (w) Gaziantep (11.25), 13.03.2012
1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Bb4 4.e3 b6 5.Nge2 c5 6.a3 Ba5 7.Bd2 [7.Rb1 is the most common continuation.]
7...0–0 8.g3 [8.Nf4 is another try, but Akopian showed how is Black supposed to play. 8...cxd4 9.exd4 Bxc3 10.Bxc3 d5 11.Qf3 Bb7 12.Bd3 Nbd7 13.cxd5 Nxd5 14.Nxd5 Bxd5 15.Qh3 f5 16.0–0 Rf6 17.Bd2 Rg6 18.f3 Nb8 19.Rac1 Nc6 20.Be3 Qf6і 21.Bc4 Nxd4 22.Bxd5 exd5 23.Rcd1 Ne2+ 24.Kh1 Re8 25.f4 Ng3+! 26.hxg3 Rxe3 Hammes,M 2399-Akopian,V 2679/ Kallithea GRE 2008, 0–1]
8...Bb7 9.d5 b5

typical for the variation.]
10.Nxb5 exd5 11.Bg2 [11.Nd6 doesn't lead to something better: 11...Bc6 12.cxd5 Bxd5 13.Rg1 Nc6 and Black is ahead in development.]
11...Bc6 12.Nbc3? [Loss of 2 tempi (Nc3–b5–c3) in the opening is quite dangerous.]
[12.0–0 dxc4 13.Bxa5 Qxa5 14.Nd6 Bxg2 15.Kxg2 Qb6 16.Rc1 Qxb2 17.Rxc4 Na6 and the game is about equal, despite of the pawn more for Black.]
12...dxc4 13.e4 Re8 14.0–0 Bxc3 [Of course not 14...Nxe4? 15.Nxe4 Bxe4 16.Bxe4 Rxe4 17.Bxa5 Qxa5 18.Qd5± winning one of the rooks.]
15.Nxc3 Nxe4 16.Nxe4 Bxe4

17.Ba5! [White finds clever defensive resource.]
17...Qc8 [‹17...Qxa5?! 18.Bxe4 Nc6 (‹18...Rxe4? is weaker again: 19.Qd5 Nc6 20.Qxe4І with advantage for White.) 19.Qxd7 Rxe4 20.Qxc6 and the double "c" pawns devalue Black's material advantage.; It's never too late to lose: 17...Qf6? 18.Re1 Qc6 19.f3 Qb5 20.fxe4 Qxa5 21.e5 Nc6 22.Qxd7±]
18.Bxe4 Rxe4 19.Qf3 [Better was 19.Qd5 Qc6 20.Rfd1 a6!?і with the idea Ra7. (20...Re6 21.Rac1! with stubborn defense. (White mustn't allow his opponent to develop: 21.Qxc4 d6 and after Nd7 the last undeveloped piece - the Ra8 will join the game.) ) ]
19...d5 20.Rad1 Nc6 [20...Qe6?! 21.Rxd5 Qxd5 22.Rd1±]
21.Rxd5 Qe6 22.Rxc5 Nd4

23.Qh5 [23.Qd1 Ne2+ 24.Kh1 (24.Kg2 Rh4!–+) 24...Qh3–+ and the threat Rh4 is killing.]
23...Re8 [23...g6?! allows 24.Qd5 and White is fine after 24...Rb8 25.f3 (‹25.Bb4? Qg4 26.h3 Qf3 27.Rxc4 Ne2+ 28.Kh2 Nxg3 29.Rxe4 Nxe4‚) 25...Ne2+ 26.Kg2 the only move and now: 26...Rxb2!

beautiful combination, ending draw with perpetual check: 27.Qa8+ Kg7 28.fxe4 Nxg3+ 29.Kxg3 (29.Kg1 Ne2+ 30.Kh1 Ng3+ 31.Kg1 Ne2+=) 29...Qd6+ 30.e5 Qxc5 31.Bc3 Qe3+ 32.Qf3 Qg5+ 33.Kh3 Qh6+ 34.Kg4 Qh5+ 35.Kf4 Qf5+ 36.Ke3 Qd3+=]
24.Kg2 Nb3 25.Rb5 Nd4 [Stronger is 25...g6 winning immediately after 26.Qd5 a6–+]
26.Rc5 Re2 27.Qd5? [White misses her best chance- 27.Bc3! Qe4+ 28.Kh3 Nb3 and although the king on h3 looks dubious, Black has no direct threat.]
27...Nb3 28.Qxe6 fxe6 29.Kf3 [29.Rg5 h6 30.Rb5 (30.Kf3 Nd4+) 30...a6 31.Rh5 g6]
29...Rxb2 30.Rg5 e5

[30...h6 31.Rxg7+ Kxg7 32.Bc3+ Kg6 33.Bxb2 Nd2+]
31.Bc3 Rc2 32.Be1 Nd4+ 33.Kg2 c3