Bojkov,D (2472) - Postojev,A (2364)2 Bundesliga Sud Neuhausen (6.4), 01.02.2009The following game was played this Sunday in the match Neuhausen- Heidelberg Handschuhsheim from 2 Bundesliga (South). My creative opponent taught me a good lesson that it is never too late to resign.
50.Nc2 The arising position is of course won for white. However, the clock situation was starting to tell, and the second time control (no additional time given) was approaching. I have spend a lot of time on this logical move. The main difficulty is that there are many winning ideas, and I did not take the practical decision to concentrate on one of them. For example: [50.Qd8 (the safest) 50...Qxa3+ 51.Kd2 Qf8 52.Nxg4 Qxd8 53.Rxd8 Ba4 54.Ra8 Rb7 55.Rxa6 (55.Nxf6! I blundered this computer shot.) 55...Rb2+ 56.Ke1 Rb1+ 57.Kf2 Rb2+ 58.Kg1 Rb1+ 59.Kg2 Rb2+ 60.Nf2 Bc2 objectively White must be winning, but there is still a lot of play left. All black's pieces became active, and this is especially dangerous in a time-trouble, with no additional time given. 50.Nxg4 I also considered this continuation. 50...Bxf5 (50...Qa1 51.Ne3 g4 52.Qd8 Qxa3+ 53.Kd2 Qf8 54.Nxg4 is leading to a much better version of the endgame from above.) 51.exf5 e4+ 52.Kd4 Qa1+ 53.Kc5 Qg1+ and decided that further calculation is not practical. However, white wins easily after: 54.Kc6 Qxg4 55.Qd8+-] The moved in the game 49.¤c2 is logical. White secures the king, protects the a3 pawn (excludes the black queen from defense) and in case threatens even Kd3-c3 followed by Rb8-b2. 50...g3 51.Qd8 Kh6 52.Qh8+ Rh7 53.Qxf6+ Kh5
54.Qg6+?? I decided to capture the rook without too much hesitation. I also took a brief look at: [54.Rg8 which Postojev also considered an immediate win- 54...Qb3+ 55.Kd2 but realized that the queen protects the g3 pawn, and abandoned the line. In vain- 55...Kh4 56.Qxg5+ Kh3 57.Qe3 exchanges the queens and the game is essentially over. 57...Qxe3+ 58.Nxe3+-]
54...Kg4 55.Qxh7 Ba4!
Oh, yes. This bishop inclusion should at least save the day for Black! 56.Ne3+ Kf4 57.Qe7? I saw that: [57.Qa7 leads to a draw at once after- 57...Qxa3+ (57...Kf3 Black can even try to play for a win without risking anything, since the perpetual has nowhere to go- 58.f6 g2 59.f7 Qe2+ 60.Kc3 Qe1+ …61.Kb2? (61.Kd3=) 61...g1Q 62.f8Q+ Ke2–+

) 58.Ke2 Qa2+ 59.Kd3=; 57.Qh1?? Qxa3+ 58.Ke2 Qxe3+ 59.Kf1 Qf2#] 57...Qf2? And only at home I realized that what I was feeling that might happen was there- [57...g2!

58.Nxg2+ Qxg2 59.Kc3 a5! and I need to part with my queen in order to postpone the mate after- 60.Rb2 Qf3+ 61.Kd2 Qe3#; 57...Kf3!? was another reasonable alternative, where Black has a sure draw. 58.Kc3 a winning attempt, since- (58.Qxg5 Qxa3+ 59.Kd2 Qa2+= is immediate perpetual. On the other hand-; 58.Qc5? g2 59.Nxg2 Qc2# does not seem particularly appealing.) 58...a5!? (58...Kxe3 59.Kb4 Qb3+ 60.Ka5 Qxb8 61.Kxa4 g2 62.Qxg5+ Kf2 63.Qh4+ Kf1 64.Qh3 Kf2 is a draw by repetition.) 59.Qc5 (59.Rb2 the inclusion of the rook does not safeguard the king. The point is that for good defense white needs the knight around the king! 59...Qa1 60.Nc2 Qc1 61.Qa7 g2 62.f6 Bxc2! Eliminating the best defender. 63.Qf2+!! only way to stay in the game, since- (63.Rxc2 g1Q 64.Rxc1 Qxa7 65.f7 Qe3+ 66.Kb2 Qf2+ 67.Rc2 Qb6+ 68.Kc1 Qc5–+) 63...Kxf2 64.Rxc2+ Qxc2+ 65.Kxc2 g1Q 66.f7 g4 67.f8Q+ Ke2і and it is only Black who can win this position.) 59...g2 60.Rb2 Qxb2+ 61.Kxb2 g1Q 62.Qxa5 Qf2+ 63.Kb1 not- (63.Kc3?? Qe1+) 63...Qg1+=] Now it is my term to attack!

[58.Qa7 Kf3! 59.Kc3 (59.f6 Qe2+ 60.Kc3 Qe1+ 61.Kd3 Qe2+=) 59...Qe1+ 60.Kb2 Qf2+=]
58...Kf3 [58...Kxe5 59.Ng4+ Kf4 60.Nxf2 gxf2 61.Ke2 Kg3 62.Rb1+- (or 62.Rb2 ) ]
59.Qd4 White managed to consolidate and converts the extra material. The rest was only a check if my remaining time will be enough.
59...g2 60.Rb1 Qe2+ 61.Kc3 Qa2 62.Nxg2 Qc2+ 63.Kb4 Qxb1+ 64.Kxa4 Kxg2 65.d6 Qb7 66.d7 Qc6+ 67.Kb3 Qb7+ 68.Ka2 and a few moves later-
1–0Fortunately for me this lesson was for free!
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