Memorial Tringov Plovdiv (4.1), 04.02.2008
1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.Nc3 Bg7 4.e4 d6 5.Nf3 0–0 6.Be2 Na6 7.0–0 e5 8.Be3 Ng4 9.Bg5 Qe8 10.dxe5 dxe5 11.h3 h6 12.Bd2 Nf6 13.Be3 Qe7 14.Qc1 Vladimir is the first one to deviate from our previous game: [14.a3 c6 15.b4 Nh5 16.Re1 Nf4 17.Bf1 Qf6 18.Ra2 Rd8 19.Rd2 Be6 20.Kh2 Rxd2 21.Nxd2 Rd8 22.b5 Nc7 23.bxc6 bxc6 24.Qa4 Nxh3 25.gxh3 Rxd2 26.Qxa7 Rc2 27.Qb8+ Kh7 (27...Bf8 28.Nd1) 28.Nd1 Bxc4 29.Qb1 (29.Qxc7 Bxf1 30.Rxf1 Rc4) 29...Bxf1 30.Qxc2± 1–0 Petkov,V (2512)-Bojkov,D (2475)/Svilengrad BUL 2006/The Week in Chess 591 (73)] 14...Kh7 15.Nd5 Qd8 16.Rd1 Nxe4 17.c5 Bd7 18.Bd3N and an interesting one. 18...f5 19.Bxe4 fxe4 20.Nd2 Bxh3 I took the challenge. 21.Nxe4 Qh4 [21...Bd7 was the solid continuation 22.Qc4 with compensation, but I already had something in mind...] 22.f3

and mate) 27...Qf3+ 28.Ke1 (28.Kd2? Rd8+ 29.Kc3 Rxd1 30.Qxd1 Qxe3+–+) 28...Qh1+ (28...Rf7!?is suggested by Fritz 11; 28...Nb4 29.Rd7+ Kh8 with sufficient compensation) 29.Kd2 (29.Ke2 Qf3+=) 29...Qe4 30.Qc3 There is no time for counterattack: (30.Rh1 Nb4 31.Rxh6+ Kg7 32.Qc3 (32.Kc3 Nd5+ 33.Kb3 Nxe3) 32...Qg2+) 30...Nb4 using the last reserves. 31.Kc1 Nd5 32.Rxd5 Qxd5 with unclear game.
Black has three pawns for the piece, and both kings are insecure.; 25.Nef6+ Bxf6 26.Ke2? is not logical. After: 26...Bg5 27.Bxg5 (27.Rh1 Qg4+ 28.Ke1 Qg2 29.Rg1 Qxd5–+) 27...Rf2+ 28.Ke3 Qg3+ 29.Ke4 hxg5 White will be soon mated.; 25.Nf4 exf4 26.Bd4 Qh3+ 27.Kf2 Qh2+
and Black has at least perpetual but he can also try:28.Kf3 (28.Kf1 f3 is even better for Black) 28...Qh5+ 29.Kf2 f3 for example: 30.Bxg7 Qh2+ 31.Ke3 Qe2+ 32.Kd4 Kxg7 33.Rd2 Rd8+ 34.Nd6 (34.Kc3 Qe3+ 35.Kc4 Qxe4+) 34...Qe6‚ And Black continues his attack for free.] 25...Qh3+ [25...Qh5+] 26.Ke2 In case of: [26.Kf2 Qh2+ 27.Kf3 Black can force a draw by 27...Qh3+= or continue the battle with:(27...Qh5+ 28.Kf2 exf4 although most probably Black will have to force perpetual here, too.) ] 26...Qg2+ 27.Kd3 Probably better is: [27.Ke3 exf4+ 28.Nxf4 Rxf4 or: (28...Qg4 29.Rf1 g5 30.Nd3 (30.Nd5 Qh3+ 31.Kd2 Qg2+= (weaker is 31...Rd8 32.Qc4 Qe6 33.Qd3) ) 30...Rd8 with possible line: 31.Qc4
31...Rd4 32.Qxd4 Qh3+ 33.Kd2 Bxd4 34.Nxg5+ hxg5 35.Rh1 Qxh1 36.Rxh1+ Kg6 37.b4±) 29.Kxf4 g5+ 30.Ke3 Qh3+ 31.Ke2 Qg4+ and if White now wants to avoid the perpetual, he has to go for unusual endgame: 32.Kf1 Qh3+ 33.Ke1 Qh1+ 34.Kf2 Qxe4 35.Qb1 Qxb1 36.Raxb1 Nxc5 when everything is possible
27...exf4 28.Qc2 Only move, after: [28.Ndc3 Bxc3 29.Nxc3 Nxc5+ 30.Kc4 Qc6 31.b4 b5+ 32.Nxb5 Ne6+ 33.Kb3 Qxb5–+] 28...Qh3+ Logical-the queen is transfered to a better place with a tempo. [28...Nxc5+ was suggested by Krum Georgiev in the post mortem 29.Qxc5 Qf3+ 30.Kc2 Qxe4+ 31.Kb3 (31.Rd3) 31...Rf5 32.Qc4 Qxc4+ 33.Kxc4 c6 (33...Rf7!?) ] 29.Kc4 [29.Kd2 Rd8 (29...Rf5!? is avoiding the 30.Ng5 possibility.) 30.Kc1 (30.Ng5+ hxg5 31.Rh1 Rxd5+ 32.Ke2 f3+ 33.Ke3 Re5+ 34.Kf2 Re2+ 35.Qxe2 Bd4+ 36.Qe3 Bxe3+ 37.Kxe3 Qh5 38.Rxh5+ gxh5 39.c6 and it is something similar like the game) 30...Rxd5
31.Rxd5 Nb4 32.Qb3 Qh1+ 33.Rd1 Qxe4 with big advantage] 29...Qe6 [29...Qf5 with an edge is my engine's suggestion, but I hardly understand the idea. Pinning the knight is of course the human move. After the move in the text I felt that the win is near. But...] 30.Qe2! Played instantly. 30...Be5 I rejected: [30...Re8 because of 31.Nef6+ Bxf6 32.Qxe6 Rxe6 33.Re1! Rc6 34.Nxf6+ Rxf6 35.Re7+ Kg8 36.Rd1 with the idea Kb5 and c6. 36...Rf7 37.Rdd7
and this position is very hard to assess-Black has material advantage, but his king is cut, and the knight is off-the board. I did not like it.] 31.Kb3 [31.Re1 Rf5 32.Nef6+ Kg7 33.Ng4 c6 34.Nxe5 Qxd5+ 35.Kc3 f3] 31...c6 32.Qc4 cxd5 I started to lose the path. Better was: [32...b5 33.cxb6 (№33.Ndf6+ Rxf6 34.Qxe6 Rxe6 35.a4 (35.Rd7+ Bg7 36.Rxa7 Rxe4 37.Rxa6 Re2 (or 37...Re6!?with an edge) ) 35...g5 36.axb5 cxb5 37.Rd7+ Kg6 38.Rxa7 Kf5 39.Nd6+ Bxd6 40.cxd6 Nc5+ 41.Kb4 Nd3+ 42.Kc3 Rxd6 43.Rd1
43...b4+ 44.Kc2 b3+ 45.Kxb3 (45.Kc3 Rc6+ 46.Kxb3 (46.Kxd3? Rd6+ 47.Ke2 f3+–+) 46...Ne5–+) 45...Nc5+ 46.Kc2 Rc6 and Black is much better) 33...cxd5 34.Rxd5 Rc8–+] 33.Qxd5 Qf7 [33...Qe7 34.Qd7 Rf7 35.Qxe7 Rxe7 might be better version than the game.] 34.Qxf7+ Rxf7 35.Rd5 Bc7 36.Rad1 Nb8 37.Nd6 Bxd6 Another option was: [37...Re7 38.Nxb7 g5 39.Nd6 with double-edged position] 38.Rxd6 Better than: [38.cxd6 Nd7 39.Re1 g5 40.Re7 Kg6 and Black is ready to advance the pawns.] 38...f3 39.Kc3
39...f2? The crucial mistake. I missed a simple tactical motive in the time trouble. After the normal moves: [39...h5 or even:; 39...g5 40.Rh1 Kg7 41.Rdxh6 the position is far away from clear.] 40.Rf1 Na6 [40...Nd7 41.Rxf2 Rxf2 42.Rxd7+ Kg8 43.Rxb7+- is what I missed. Now the knight has to go to passive position. Black lost his pride, the f2 pawn, and the game...] 41.b4 g5 42.Rd2 Rf3+ 43.Kc4 Rf4+ 44.Rd4 Rxd4+ [44...Rf7 was more stubborn. Now White realizes his advantage precisesly.] 45.Kxd4
45...Nxb4 46.Rxf2+- Kg6 47.Rb2 Nc6+ 48.Ke4 Nd8 49.Rd2 Ne6 50.Rd6 Kf7 51.Kd5 Nf4+ 52.Ke5 Ke7 53.Rxh6 Kd7 54.a4 Kc7 55.a5 Nd3+ 56.Kd4 Nb4 57.Kc4 Nc6 58.Rh7+ Kb8 59.a6 bxa6 60.Kd5 Nd8 61.c6 Kc8 62.Kd6 I consider this game my best achievement in the tournament. Although it is my only lost, it does not happen every day to sacrifice a bishop and a rook for a pure positional attack. 1–0

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