My second Chess Base Magazine Survey features the 6.h3 line in KID, more specifically, the typical endgame that arises after 7.dxe5 dxe5 8.Qxd8. You can see it in the coming CBM 130, here is a sample of it:
Arnaudov,P (2195) - Urukalovic,R (2273) [E90]Zadar CRO, 15th Open Zadar CRO (7), 18.12.20081.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.Nc3 Bg7 4.e4 d6 5.h3 0–0 6.Nf3 e5 7.dxe5 dxe5 8.Qxd8 Rxd8 9.Bg5
9...Na6 10.Nd5 Rd6 11.Bxf6 Bxf6 12.Rc1 Bd8 13.c5 Re6 14.a3 c6 This move is logical. However, after:
15.Bxa6 it is better for Black to capture the knight, rather than the bishop, as this game shows clearly the dangers that Black might experience:
15...bxa6 [better is 15...cxd5 16.Bd3 Re7 17.0–0 Bd7=]
16.Ne3 a5 17.0–0 Rb8 18.Rfd1 Bc7 19.Nd5!
Typical idea. White sacrifices the knight in order to get two connected passed pawns. These pawns will go forward with tempoes, and inevitably win back he material with interest.
19...Bd8 It was not easy for Black to accept the sacrifice, since he has to be very careful not to lose immediately- [19...cxd5 20.exd5 e4 only move (20...Re8 21.d6 Bd8 22.c6±) 21.Ne1 (21.dxe6 exf3 22.e7 Be6 23.c6 Re8 24.Rd7 Bb6 25.Re1 fxg2 26.Kxg2 Kg7

27.Rxe6 fxe6 28.c7 Kf7 29.Kf3 h6 30.h4 Bxc7 31.Rxc7 Rxe7 32.Rc5 Rb7 33.Rxa5 Rb3+ 34.Kg2 Rxb2 35.Rxa7+ Kf6=) 21...Re8 22.d6 Bd8 23.c6 Rxb2 24.d7 Quite dangerous is also: (24.c7 Bd7 25.c8Q Bxc8 26.Rxc8 Rb7 27.Nc2 (27.d7 Rf8 28.Nc2 might be even better.) 27...Rd7 28.Ne3 with compensation- f5 29.Rd5 Kf7 30.Nc4 and White is on top.) 24...Bxd7 25.cxd7 Rf8ч]
20.Nf4 Re8 21.Nxe5 Bc7?! After this Black will be outplayed. The only chance was: [21...Bg5 for example- 22.Nxc6 Rxb2 23.Nd5 Rxe4! the key defensive move. (23...Bxc1 24.Nf6+ Kf8 25.Nxe8 Bg5 (25...Kxe8 26.Rd8#) 26.Nd6±) 24.Rb1 Rxb1 25.Rxb1 Be6 26.Nce7+ Kg7 27.c6 Rc4 28.Rb5 Bxd5 29.Nxd5 Rxc6 30.Rxa5=]
22.Nxc6І Bxf4 23.Nxb8 Bxb8 24.b4 Ba6 [24...a6] 25.c6 Bc7 26.Rd7 Rc8 27.Rd5 Rb8 28.Rd7 [28.b5 Rxb5 29.Rd7 Bf4! complicates the matters.]
28...Rc8 29.Rd5 Rb8 30.g3! Kf8 31.b5! Bc8 [31...Rxb5 32.Rd7 Bb6 33.c7±]
32...Bb6 More stubborn would have been: [32...Bxd7 33.cxd7 Bd8 34.Rc8 Rxb5 35.Rxd8+ Ke7 36.Ra8 Kxd7 37.Rxa7+ Ke6 with practical chances in the rook endgame.]
33.c7+- Ra8 34.Rd8+ Ke7 35.Rh8 h5 36.Rc6 Bd4 37.Rg8 Bb6 38.a4 Bd4 39.Kg2 Bb2 40.f4 Ba1 41.Kf3 Bb2 42.g4 hxg4+ 43.hxg4 Ba3 44.e5 Bb2 45.Ke4 Ba3 46.f5 gxf5+ 47.gxf5 Bb4 48.f6+ Kd7
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